Sunday, September 21, 2008

Please Don't Judge Me...

...I went shopping yesterday


Little Bagel said...

NO WAY!!!!!!! Are those suckers real?!?!?!?!

Left Side Cool said...

FYI: you are fine as all hell. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

If you don't put a 'donate' button on your website (i.e. a 'buy me a Guinness' button) or in the very least let me know that you have set yourself up a PayPal account and with which email address, and soon, then I am going to start leaving highly embarrassing and profane messages on your site here. Consider yourself warned... and don't underestimate me, little sister, oh no!

Hannah said...

Well, I am judging you harshly. Those shoes are not coming into the 335. No. You will just have to pay a nuisance fine to me and to Farley Hall for your failure to be original. Honestly.